Sienna chose this design because after her brother Aidan passed away, she saw him as two signs, butterflies and dimes. So, she decided to do a butterfly to represent him and how much she loves him. Then she decided to use "Everything happens for a reason" because she bases her life around that line. She believes that even though it's so hard to accept her brother passing away, it had to happen for a reason. She believes that even though she will never know the real reason, she does know that it brought so much good to her life. She got to be a part of Hunter’s Hope and meet so many wonderful people who could relate to her on a level that others, like her friends, can't. Also, her mom started her foundation, ALD Alliance, which raises awareness on ALD, and she fights to save families so they don't have to go through what her family did.

Learn more about Sienna's family's foundation here.

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