Richter Line

Donna has CTX. All of the issues did not add up to a diagnosis until…her neurologist could not figure it out and she said, “I know a smart man at Shands Teaching Hospital in Gainesville. I will you get an appointment.”

We arrived a little before noon on Thanksgiving Eve, 1992. The location was called Diagnostic Physicians 2 in Shands. She was called back almost immediately and we left Shands at 6pm that Thanksgiving Eve with a diagnosis. Dr. Kenneth Heilman said a test was needed to confirm but he was sure it was CTX. He also said “Now we have to figure out how to treat it.” Donna is “alive and kickin”. Donna could be the oldest living with CTX in the world. All of this is a blessing from GOD. I am so happy God chose me to lover her and take care of her.

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