Regann Moore Line
My daughter Regann Moore was born on 1/21/18. She’s now 6 years old. I got a phone call from St Louis Children’s Hospital about the devastating news that my daughter Regann’s newborn screening results showed that she has Krabbe Leukodystrophy. I was told to bring my daughter ASAP to the hospital.
Regann had to go through so many tests for her transplant. Regann got the transplant on 2/21/18, which is another story. Regann has motor skills difficulties such as speech, walking, and muscle tone issues. Regann has weekly OT, PT, and Speech therapy. She has hippo and swimming therapy. Regann is quite a little character and a very happy girl. We have to take Regann to Children’s Hospital every 3 to 6 months for botox, dental, and other exams. Regann will be in the first grade this year. She’s a quick learner. She gets along well with her classmates. She loves art, music, and dancing. She wants to be a ballet dancer. Regann has a great staff of physicians.
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