Positive Screen for Krabbe Disease
If your child has received a positive newborn screen for Krabbe Disease, call the Hunter’s Hope office at 716-667-1200 or email us at hope@huntershope.org and read our Krabbe NBS Family Guide.

Krabbe Newborn Screening
If your child has received a positive newborn screen for Krabbe Disease, please know that regardless of the outcome, there is hope. Babies born in the United States undergo newborn screening (NBS) within a few days of their birth. The purpose of newborn screening is to identify babies with certain diseases that can be detected and treated before symptoms begin. If a definite diagnosis is confirmed early in life, treatment can also start early. Treatments have the potential to significantly limit the negative impact of the disease. Newborn screening is a screening tool, not a diagnostic test. Every positive screen needs further testing, or confirmatory testing, to determine whether the disease is actually present and indeed a “true positive.” Though great effort is made to minimize “false positives,” they do exist. Krabbe disease is a type of condition called a leukodystrophy. All leukodystrophies affect the white matter or myelin of the brain. Krabbe disease is a rare inherited genetic condition. There are different types of Krabbe disease and each begins at a different age. Babies identified through newborn screening need to have additional testing to determine which type they might have. Follow up and confirmatory testing will place the child into one of three categories: unaffected or “false positive,” infantile, or late onset. Babies who have the infantile form of Krabbe disease need to be seen urgently at the medical center your doctor recommends for disease-altering treatment to have the greatest impact. The goal of newborn screening is to identify these babies so that they can be quickly treated.
Krabbe Newborn Screening: A Family Guide
Download Krabbe Newborn Screening: A Family Guide for information and resources for families whose baby has a positive newborn screen for Krabbe Disease.
Click here to learn moreKrabbe NBS Council
The Council is led by Dr. Kurtzberg and other experts in Krabbe Newborn Screening to ensure that children identified through Krabbe NBS have the best possible outcomes. If you are a medical provider or NBS professional and would like to attend council meetings, please contact us at hope@huntershope.org.
Click here to learn moreACHDNC
The Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children (ACHDNC) Committee advises the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on the most appropriate application of universal newborn screening tests, technologies, policies, guidelines, and standards.
Click here to learn more about the ACHDNCKrabbe Newborn Screening Publications
Hunter’s Hope is committed to ensuring that all infants with a positive screen for Krabbe Disease have the best possible outcomes. We are proud to partner with a group of NBS and Krabbe Disease experts to make continual advancements for Krabbe NBS. Learn more about the best practices for KD NBS and follow up through our Newborn Screening Articles linked below.
Click here to learn more