Creator and Keeper of all that exists, the world is Yours and everything in it.
You have created all that we see and all that we don’t.
You take care of everything.
Lord, You formed each of us in our mother’s womb and have created us for a purpose.
We are created in Your image.
You have fashioned us to bring You glory.
What does that all mean, God? Please show me.
How can I glorify You when I am hurting?
Do my tears honor You?
Is there purpose in my pain?
Help me to know You.
Help me to trust You and the everlasting promises You have made.
Help me to believe You are good.
Please Lord, help me to trust You with all that burdens my heart right now.
I need Your help.
I need You.
I can’t do this in my own strength.
Teach me and help me to remember that when I am weak, You are strong!
You will provide all I need to press on.
You will take care of everything that concerns me.
You are all that I need!
Help me to surrender.
My life is in Your hands.