Where do you turn when you feel hopeless? Where do you run when you’re falling apart and want to give up the fight? Where do you go when the pain feels paralyzing? There is only one place to turn. One Person to run to… God. The God who sees you, knows you, loves you, and promises to meet you right where you are. That’s why you’re holding this booklet. And why hopefully you will share it with someone else. Because we all need to be reminded that hope is not lost.
Our prayer is that you will find HOPE in the midst of your story. No matter what you’ve walked through… no matter what you’re currently walking through…you are not alone. There is HOPE in the HEARTBREAK. There is PURPOSE in the PAIN. There is BEAUTY in the BROKENNESS. You matter. Your life matters. There is hope for you. Hope that lasts for eternity.