Jesus, You are amazing.
When I look at You, the truth of who You are changes everything.
It changes the way I live and breathe.
It changes how I deal with the circumstances I find myself in right now.
It changes me.
When I look at You, I see myself for who I really am.
I see my desperate need for a Savior and Redeemer.
I see my weaknesses being covered in Your mighty strength.
I see the shadows of despair and depression being lifted.
I find a hope that is real, a love that endures, and promises that are fulfilled when I look at You.
Jesus, please keep my heart and mind fixed on what is true.
The past is over, and You hold this moment.
You hold it all together for Your glory and divine purpose.
You hold me.
When I look at You, Breath of Heaven, my heart is filled with a hope that helps me to persevere.
A hope that encourages me to praise and honor You in this storm.
A hope that fills me with life.
You are my hope.