Oh Lord, I’m so thankful that I can come to You.
No matter what, You are always there for me.
I don’t have to try and hide from You.
You know me.
You know my every thought.
Lord, You know my every need and desire.
I’m not afraid to share my deepest fears with You.
Because You know.
You know my heart.
And right now, my heart is torn.
I have never felt such pain and sadness.
How long, Lord?
How long must I endure this heaviness of heart?
Carry me.
I’ve done all that I know to do.
I’ve prayed until I have no words left to pray.
I feel so helpless.
I don’t understand why You continue to allow this suffering.
Even if I did understand, it wouldn’t take away the pain.
Oh Lord, You know the pain I’m talking about.
You know what it’s like to suffer.
You know.