Lord, You are the Healer.
You still heal today.
You heal hearts. You heal bodies.
Help us to believe that You still perform miracles in our day.
You are GOD!
You can do whatever You want, whenever You want to.
Nothing and no one can thwart Your plans.
Your purpose will always prevail. You are good, Lord.
Everything You do or don’t do is right and true.
Lord, forgive me for doubting that You still heal people from sickness and diseases.
When the world says, “There is no cure,” help me to remember You hold the cure.
When we are told, “There is no hope,” help me to remember You are my hope.
When the shadow of death tries to consume me, You are there.
You will never leave me. I am not alone in my pain.
When healing doesn’t look as I thought it should, help me to remember You created our inmost being and know our every need.
When You choose not to heal this side of heaven, help me to remember You know what You are doing.
I trust You.
Thank You that healing will come in Your perfect timing.
Lord, help me to continue to trust and wait for You.